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Pam Dorrington of Porterville spent weekends at her holiday home in Britannia Bay. She came to deeply love the West Coast and the varied and many fish dishes that beckoned one to partake. She collected recipes from local folk and in 1988 produced a book which was distributed far and wide.
Betsie Rood's contribution was Snoekbrood met Groentesous, which we share with you today. If you have a special recipe and would like to share it with everyone, please contact the webmaster. |
- 1kg vars snoek
- 5ml sout
- Peper na smaak
- 50ml mielieblom
- 500ml afgeroomde melk
- 125ml room
- 15ml Worcestersous
- 25ml uiesap
- Gerasperde neut
- 25ml droë broodkrummels
- Suurlemoen wiggies en pietersielie
Maal die vis 2 keer, en voeg laaste keer sout, peper, en mielieblom by. Maal dit 'n derde keer terwyl melk bygevoeg word. Plaas mengsel in die bak van 'n elektriese menger. Voeg die room baie stadig by en klits aanhoudend. Klits die Worcestersous, uiesap en neut by. Die mengsel moet die tekstuur van dik room hê. Smeer 'n broodpan van 22x12x7cm. Besprinkel die boom met fyn krummels en giet die vismengsel daarin. Bedek met blad-aliminium en sorg dat dit styf pas. Plaas in 'n pan met warm water. Bak sowat 1 uur en 15 minute by 180º C. Laat 'n ruk in die pan staan. Keer uit en hou warm. Garneer met pietersielie en suurlemoenwiggies.
- 110g ingemaakte dwergsampioene, gedreineer
en gemaal
- 12,5ml botter
- 25ml koekmeelblom
- 110g ingemaakte tamaties, gedreineer
- 15ml uiesap
- 15ml tamatiesous
- 15ml Worcestersous
- Sout, peper en bietjie suiker na smaak
Dreineer sampione, behou die vloeistof en maal die sampioene. Soteer dit in botter. Roer meelblom by tot die mengsel glad is en dik word. Verwyder van stoof. Voeg sampioenvloeistof, aangevul met melk tot 500ml geleidelik by. Roer tot glad en romerig. Laat 4 minute oor lae hitte prut, roer gedurig. Druk gedreineerde tamaties deur sif en voeg uiesap, tamatiesous, Worcestersous, sout, peper en suiker by. Roer om te meng. Voeg tamatiemengsel by sampioensous en verhit saam tot deurwarm. Bedien sous warm by snoekbrood. 6 Porsies.
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Snoek Bread with Vegetable Sauce |
- 1kg fresh snoek
- 5ml salt
- Pepper to taste
- 50ml cornflour (Maizena)
- 500ml skimmed milk
- 125ml cream
- 15ml Worcestershire sauce
- 25ml onion juice
- Grated nutmeg
- 25ml dry breadcrumbs
- Lemon wedges and parsely
Mince the fish twice and on the second mince, mix in the salt, pepper and cornflour. Then a third time, mince the mixture at the same time adding the milk. Place in a food processer. Slowly add the cream as you process. Quick process in the Worcesterhsire sauce, nutmeg and onion juice. The mixture should have the texture of thick cream. Grease a 22x12x7cm bread pan. Sprinkle a layer of fine breadcrumbs on the bottom. Spread the fish mixture on top. Cover with a piece of tightly fitting aluminium foil. Place in a pan of hot water. Bake for 1 and half hours in a preheated 190degreeC oven. Remove from oven and stand for 5 minutes before turning out. Keep warm and garnish with the lemon wedges and florettes of parsley. |
Vegetable Sauce
- 110g tinned mushrooms, drained (keep liquid) and chopped
- 12,5ml cake flour
- 110g tinned tomatoes, drained
- 15ml onion juice
- 15ml tomato sauce
- 15ml Worcestershire sauce
- Salt, pepper and pinch of salt
Saute the chopped mushrooms in the butter/margerine. Stir in the flour till smooth and thick. Remove from heat. to the mushroom juice, add enough milk to make up to 500ml. Stir into the mushrooms and cook over low heat for 4 minutes or until mixture thickens. Drain tomatoes (don't need this juice) and push through a sieve. Add to this the onion juice, tomato sauce, pepper and sugar. Stir together well. Add tomato sauce mixture to mushroom mixture and heat through. Serve hot sauce with the snoek bread. Serves 6. |
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