Welcome to South Africa West Coast |
Golden wheat fields welcome you to coastal villages. The friendly, peaceful atmosphere surrounds you like a whale's song and nature greets you with awesome splendour. Our people, strong and proud. Real people. They know hard times but always feel blessed by Nature's bounty. Their respect for the sea is evident in the tales they tell. It is their life, their bread and butter. Snoek season arrives and barefoot children offer to 'vlek' (gut and clean) your fish for 50c. At the end of the day they proudly take home their earnings or buy a well deserved ice-cream. Then they wait for their fathers to return from the sea... |
Die koringvelde groet jou oppad na kusdorpies. 'n Vriendelike atmosfeer omring met natuurprag. Geen betonmure sal jou hier gevangene hou nie. Ons mense, sterk en trots. Hulle ken swaarkry en erken genade. Respek vir die see, ons brood en botter. Kaalvoet kindertjies vra of hulle vir jou 'n snoek kan vlek vir 50c. Die bote kom in, bring die manne terug van die see. Fabrieke werk: geblik, gesous, dis almal se kos. Wanneer die son sak, soek hulle mekaar op, stories word vertel. Die grappe uniek, elke karakter ontleed. Hier kan elke dag 'n avontuur wees, wat jy ookal mag verkies. |
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